Low Testosterone Levels After Vasectomy
Author: Brian Hildebrandt, Last Updated: April 17, 2018
Yes, getting a vasectomy can reduce your testosterone levels. Your doctor may deny it, and claim there’s no logical mechanism behind it.
The unfortunate truth is, getting your tubes tied may effect your testes and testosterone production.
Vasectomies and Autoimmune Disease
By preventing sperm from leaving your testes your body may signal an autoimmune reaction where it views your sperm as a foreign invader.
Your immune cells may attack your sperm, and since they reside in your testes, will also destroy your testosterone producing cells.
You can see in the picture below the close proximity of the epididymus (sperm reservoir) and testes (produces testosterone).

First I would like to make this one thing clear…
Lowered testosterone levels will not happen to everyone who gets a vasectomy.
In fact it is a small minority. But it is still important you know the risks ahead of time before you make any decisions on getting a vasectomy. Or if you’ve already had the procedure, and afterwards you’re feeling tired, depressed, with a low libido, you’ll know why.
You may be a candidate for testosterone replacement. So the next logical conclusion is… will getting a vasectomy reversal, reverse the damage from low testosterone and it’s associated symptoms? It’s hard to say at this point since there hasn’t been much research applied in this direction. It is possible.
Mainstream Ignorance of Vasectomies and Autoimmune Disease
Unfortunately many doctors still don’t believe this autoimmunity exists. It’s common place on many testosterone replacement forums, for men that have had a procedure to also have low testosterone. It is not a coincidence.
Fortunately a larger number of doctors are now recognizing this vasectomy autoimmunity and the lowered testosterone that follows. I would suggest talking with your doctor and significant other to discuss the the potential risks and health consequences.